Monday, October 3, 2011

On to Phase Two

The follow-up phase in this cancer journey has officially begun. With nuclear medicine scans scheduled for November 2-3, it is necessary for me to be off my thyroid medication. So today, for the first time since December 16, 2010, I did not take my morning pill. The result of this no-medication experience is likely to be varying levels of fatigue, lack of concentration, feeling cold all the time, and a general sense of fogginess of head. Much of this to one degree or another has been part of my experience already. What I can expect, I assume, is an increased level of severity in these side-effects.

Under normal circumstances a thyroid cancer patient would receive ‘thyrogen’ – a chemical compound used in preparation for the scans that are part of the treatment process. Thyrogen allows a patient to continue with their mediation thus avoiding the experience of prolonged hypothyroid – the condition that produces the fatigue, etc.

So far so good. I have made it through this day with only minor changes in my energy level. The days ahead will tell the whole story.

In the meantime, the idea of follow-up is to determine the status of cancer in my system. This of course raises new concerns that must be set before the Lord. We are continuing to trust the Lord for a positive outcome in all this. Of course, the Lord determines what constitutes a positive outcome. To me it is being cancer free. For the Lord a positive outcome is He working out His purposes in me.